

New product in the roooootaaaatiooooon!!!! Welcome, Welcome Herbal Essence Hello Hydration!


I swear you guys, on every CG blog I've been to HEHH has been the product du jour. Everyone is using it and everyone is loving it! Some chicas are using it to co-wash, others for detangling, and others as a styling product.

Over the weekend, I used it on my friend Blair as a deep treatment and on myself as a leave-in styling agent. I am a HUGE fan of anything coconut for my hair, so I was already a bit biased. The conditioner is super creamy and has a great "slip". Like the Pantene NF condish, it left our hair super soft and easy to manage.

In my sick state, I clearly wasn't thinking straight and I left not a dot of conditioner in my hair while I was stretching it. (I will explain stretching in a later post.) Needless to say when my hair dried, it was a wreck! Dry and tangled to say the least! However, as I was two-strand twisting my hair, I put a dime size squirt of HEHH in it and I promise you it got so lush and curly in seconds.

It has been 3 days and the twists are still in. I plan on taking them out tonight, so the verdict is still out on how my curls hold with the HEHH. I'm thinking about canceling my appointment on Saturday and trying out the HEHH as a product to shingle my hair with.

So, yes, this is a formal invitation to my hair regimen HEHH...Im so happy to have you.

Ladies check it out and dish the deets on how it worked on you!

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