

Ok,sooooo I had an epiphany. Since high school, I have been a sympathy fan.

What's a sympathy fan you ask? Its liking someone because they affiliate with artists you love and/or the darling of the sub-culture that you're a member of.

Who am I sympathy fans of? Talib Kweli, Ryan Leslie, John Legend, and some others

I know, I know, they are awesome and all that jazz, but I can't get into them. I will sing like one song I like from them and that's the only thing I have to defend them against people that aren't into their music.


"OMG! But 'Get By' was an epic story of the survival tactics of those at the bottom of the socioeconomic totem pole. It pierces the heart yet gives hope for the future. What rapper besides Talib Kweli can do that???"


So the next person on the list was Jay Electronica. All the artists I love shout his name and the love of my life Erykah Badu had a kid by the dude, so I should love him right? Welllll.....all the songs he was featured on, I didn't see it. But then...THEN...I heard THIS....

Big shouts to my homie Chevalier, that almost bashed my head in for not being a Jay E fan. This is that fye!!!

Hop on this whilst you're at it..

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